(English) A Factitious Disorder?


One Response to “(English) A Factitious Disorder?”
  1. Susan Grossman Swift

    It is impossible to know why things happen the way they do. I just went through a family issue that made me so angry (not my family here, but my folks). Does Father not see my anguish? And yet, why do I cry like I do; when I know that they do not know or acknowledge Father. In your situation; you have so many to care for; your care giver gives so much of herself to so many others…does Father hear us? Well…I am learning that He does hear us; but a reminder to you as well as myself; His ways are not our ways. They just aren’t. But, he has a plan for caregiver, Uncle, sick woman with tremors, Daughter-in-law, and grand daughter. Job said it best: “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and not accept adversity?” My prayers are with you, Fang Fang, and for all of us who are going through adversity at this time. Be still and Know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). I love you all… Susan Swift

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