the lazigan phenomenon

We discovered recently that A Cha had slipped out in the evening against her care givers wishes in order to purchase a packet of la(4) zi(3) gan(1) (spicy jerky-like substance made out of mung bean). So strong was her hankering for the stuff that she looked all over the village to see if anybody had it or would sell it.

In fact she did stay out the whole night, and only returned the next morning sans lazigan. To our consternation there were some dodgy circumstances about where she’d spent the night and why her caregivers had sent a 6 year old boy to go looking for her.

Under the skilled and tender questioning (and examination) by FYH later that day, we were able to determine that she was very much unharmed. AND she had learnt that what she’d done was very disobedient and dangerous.

I hope she remembers her lesson.

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